We believe...

ORGANIC MATTERS. Reducing the consumption of poisons, pesticides and synthetic chemicals is better for our customers. Less chemicals spread into the environment benefits all living things.
FAIR TRADE produces better coffee. When farming families are paid a fair price for consistently providing better coffee, everyone wins.
COFFEE IS A FRESH FOOD. We love our customers and they deserve fresh. Fresh roasted specialty coffee hands down beats old, stale, boring coffee.
IN BEING BETTER EACH DAY. We enjoy working with our wholesale family to find new, interesting, healthier and exciting ways to improve ourselves, make better coffee and enjoy life.

Relax & Enjoy

Maine Craft Roasted Coffees

In 2017, the market demand for SPECIALTY COFFEE passed conventional coffee and it continues to grow worldwide as the favorite choice for coffee customers. Coffee providers everywhere are making improvements to meet this change in customer spending.
We can show you how inexpensive it is to create a custom specialty coffee experience for your customers with best quality coffee and state of the art equipment.
Let us know if you would like a free consultation.
We are always looking for great people to work with.

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We honor our creative partners.
Michelle Dujardin
Michelle is based in Rijswijk, Nederland. She is such a pleasure to work with. Please check her other creative and beautiful paintings on her Etsy shop and website.
Michael E. Vermette
Michael is intrigued with the timelessness in the change in his paintings. They show a love of color and light with an emphasis on the expressive painterly mark and form, which evokes a recognizable feeling, a nostalgic memory, or emotional qualities such as the smell of salt and balsam in the air.
Jennifer Cliff
Jennifer is a digital and watercolor artist located in Nashville TN. She specializes in handlettering, branding, logo design, and portrait illustrations.
Melissa Harrel
Melissa is a Knoxville, Tennessee artist who specializes in painting landscapes and florals. She works in acrylic, water mixable oils, gouache, and watercolor. She creates peaceful fresh landscapes and beautiful abstract colorful florals inspired by where she lives and the southern flowers she loves to grow. Says Melissa: "I paint to share with you the beauty I find where I live and the memories they hold."